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Gippro Bloko Disposable Vape Pens E-cigarette (800 Puffs)(Multiple Flavors)
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Gippro Bloko Neo Disposable Vape Pen (800 puffs) (multiple flavors)


Your Disposable Vape

Refers to the electronic cigarette that does not need to be charged, does not need to replace the cartridge, and is a disposable electronic cigarette that can be discarded after one use.

Advantages of disposable electronic cigarettes:

1. More convenient to carry: Disposable electronic cigarettes do not need to be charged, do not need to replace pods, smokers only need to carry electronic cigarettes to go out, and do not need to carry heavy chargers and other accessories.
2. More stable performance: because of the completely closed design of disposable electronic cigarettes, the operation links such as charging and replacing pods are reduced, and the occurrence of faults is also reduced. Problems such as circuit failures and liquid leakage that rechargeable electronic cigarettes cannot solve The disposable electronic cigarette has been completely solved here.
3. More smoke liquid: The smoke liquid capacity of disposable electronic cigarettes can reach more than 5-8 times that of rechargeable electronic cigarettes, and the service life of disposable electronic cigarettes is longer.
4. Stronger batteries: In general rechargeable electronic cigarettes, each pod needs to be charged at least once, and the battery efficiency is extremely low, which is equivalent to charging once every time you smoke 5-8 cigarettes. And if the rechargeable electronic cigarette is left unused, the electronic cigarette can no longer be used in about 2 months. In contrast, disposable e-cigarette batteries are strong and can support more than 40 ordinary cigarettes. And if the disposable e-cigarette is idle, it will basically not affect the use of the e-cigarette battery within one year, and the impact on the battery will not exceed 10% within two years.

The one-time electronic cigarette is addictive and refreshing, easy to carry, fresh breath, and does not affect people around you. stocks are available for sale in many flavors. You are welcome to purchase and place an order within 24 hours.disposable vape disposable electronic cigarette

Introduction of disposable electronic cigarette

Disposable electronic cigarette, English name Disposable Vape, is the most popular nowadaysVapeOne of the products, he is different fromrelxreloadVape PodElectronic cigarettes do not need to be charged, and can be thrown away after smoking all the oil in the hood, which is very convenient.

The Development of Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

Disposable electronic cigarettes have grown from a small number of puffs (about 200) at the beginning to more than 8,000 puffs today, and have also developed from no need to charge before to today’s rechargeable. but no need to changeVape PodThe practice is still very, very convenient. Smokers only need to carry electronic cigarettes to go out without carrying heavy chargers and other accessories. The closed design reduces the operation links such as charging and replacing pods, and also reduces the occurrence of failures. Problems such as circuit failures and liquid leakage that rechargeable electronic cigarettes cannot solve.