Vapemoho 電子煙機 (Relx1代煙彈通用機)(大煙霧)(煙桿x1 + Type-C x 1)
$399.00 $298.00

VEEX維刻 V1電子煙機 (Relx 1代通用)(大煙霧)(1主機+1 Type-C 充電綫)
$399.00 $298.00
Veex Taki 維刻 透明煙彈 (Relx 1代通用)(煙彈x3)(多口味)
$199.00 $110.00
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
聖誕新年優惠!購買任意5盒1代煙彈(15顆)+99$,送1台1代電子煙煙機!(客戶如買滿5盒,需手動添加99$主機,請進入此連接加入:https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/ )
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
聖誕新年優惠!購買任意5盒1代煙彈(15顆)+99$,送1台1代電子煙煙機!(客戶如買滿5盒,需手動添加99$主機,請進入此連接加入:https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/ )
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 10 boxes of Relx Classic or Compatible Pods (30 pods), and receive a compatible pod system device for free! (Automatically added by the system; if it is not automatically added to the shopping cart, please contact customer service.)
Christmas and New Year promotion! Purchase any 5 boxes of Classic pods (15 pieces) + $99, and receive 1 unit of 1st generation vape pod system device! (If customers purchase 5 boxes, they need to manually add the $99 device, please enter this link to add: https://vapehongkong.com/products/vapehongkong-relx-classic-compatible-pod-system/)
分類: RELX CLASSIC 悅刻經典 Relx 1代, Relx 系列, RELX煙彈-悅刻煙彈, 新品上市, 熱賣商品
標籤: relx, relx 1代通用煙彈, relx classic, relx classic compatible pod, relx pods, relx 通用煙彈, relx1代, relx一代, relx煙彈
Veex Taki 維刻 透明煙彈 Relx 1代通用
龍井: 強推大眾,無限回購款,太香了口感一級棒,涼度拉滿入口就是濃濃的茶香回味無窮爽口,不甜不膩很多人都喜歡這個口味。
綠豆沙冰: 味道很驚喜就像小時候吃過的綠色心情那個綠豆雪糕,很清爽口感很好綠豆味濃涼度夠。
葡萄沙冰: 非常好聞前調, 非常濃郁的葡萄汁的味道, 不是非常的清涼很適合新手有的口味薄荷成分比較重有的人, 後調就是吃了炫邁的感覺。
元氣草莓: 草莓糖的味道不大但是有一種水果店賣草莓的地方的那種香氣甜度一般入口比較有初戀的感覺回味比較濃郁抽一兩口就可以感受到後調也是感覺香香的感覺剛在蛋糕店走出來。
多汁蜜桃: 水蜜桃的香甜氣息充滿了整個口腔口味略淡很小清新的味道涼度微涼。
哈密瓜冰冰樂: 哈密